Feb 18, 2025  
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2008-2009 
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2008-2009 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Services

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Copies of the College’s Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, the Student Code of Conduct, and other policies and procedures relating to students are available in the Student Handbook and in the Dean of Student Development Office and the Student Life Office. Detailed information is available about rules and regulations, resolving complaints and grievances, and the consequences of rule violation.


New students at BC3 are introduced to the campus during special orientation programs presented by the Office of Student Life. Held before the start of classes each fall and spring semester, these sessions are designed to familiarize new students with the people, places, and services at the Butler Main Campus. Current BC3 students conduct tours and answer questions in a relaxed and informal setting. These special orientation programs are highly recommended for anyone attending classes at BC3.

Orientation programs are also held at the respective locations for students enrolled at BC3 @ Cranberry, BC3 @ Lawrence Crossing and BC3 @ LindenPointe (except for Pre-Nursing students who attend Orientation at the Butler Main Campus).

Academic Center for Enrichment (ACE)

Placement Testing – Butler County Community College has an open admissions policy which does not require standard achievement tests for admission. Students are required to take placement tests that evaluate their performance level in English, reading, and math.

The College will provide all the materials to take these tests. If test scores indicate the need for skill-building classes in English, reading, and mathematics, students will be required to enroll in developmental and/or preparatory course work. These courses are designed to develop those skills necessary for college-level courses. Developmental and preparatory course offerings are as follows:

  ENGL 029 – Developmental Reading
  A course designed for in-depth reading skill development and review
  ENGL 030 – Preparatory Reading
  A course designed to improve reading speed and comprehension and to improve study skills
  ENGL 034 – Developmental English
  An English course designed for in-depth skill review, emphasizing the writing process and sentence-level competencies in preparation for English I
  ENGL 035 – Preparatory English
  An English composition course designed to prepare a student for English I
  MATH 081 – Preparatory Math
  A math course designed to prepare a student for the next math level
  MATH 091 – Preparatory Algebra
  A math course designed to prepare a student for the next math level

Students have the opportunity to retest once in each subject area. No fee is charged for the placement tests or for the retests.

Academic Advising – New students are advised by academic counselors and faculty members for the purpose of placement and proper course selection for the first semester. For each subsequent semester, departmental faculty advisors or academic counselors may meet with students to assess academic progress and to recommend further course selections.

Advising – students have two options concerning academic advising.

They may choose to:

  1. Meet with their faculty advisor or academic counselor each semester to plan their course selection for the following semester prior to registration or
  2. Select and register without the assistance of a faculty advisor or academic counselor. By choosing option number two, students accept the responsibility for meeting all prerequisites and completing the program requirements toward graduation.

The following students are not eligible for option number two (self-registration):

  • First time students (new and transfer)
  • Re-admit students (suspension and dismissal)
  • Probation students
  • Selected admissions programs (Medical Assistant, Nursing, Physical Therapy Assistant, and Massage Therapy)
  • General Studies (undecided-100U and developmental-100D)

Counseling Services

Career, academic, and personal counseling are provided to day and evening students. Academic counselors are available to help students develop study skills and time management skills. The staff teaches College Study Skills, a one-credit course designed for first time students.

College Study Skills – This course is designed to help students develop skills to increase their ability to succeed in college. The course focuses on how to improve study techniques, how to adjust to college pressures, and how to make career decisions.

Transfer To Senior-Level Institutions – Assistance is provided to students interested in transferring from BC3 to senior-level institutions. Liberal arts courses and majors leading to the A.S. and A.A. degrees are designed to transfer to senior level institutions. The final decision to accept credits by transfer rests with the senior-level institution. It is important that students establish contact with senior institutions early in order to ensure that they are following the most appropriate course sequences at BC3.

An academic counselor is designated to assist students who wish to transfer. Students should make an appointment during their first semester with the transfer counselor to: 1) identify possible senior institutions which meet their criteria; 2) outline a program of courses toward the associate degree which will transfer to that senior institution; 3) learn the procedures involved in the transfer process.

The following senior-level institutions have signed articulation agreements with Butler County Community College which assures students certain considerations when transferring. The colleges currently include Art Institute of Pittsburgh, Bethany College, California University of PA, Carlow College, Cheyney University, Clarion University of PA, Davis and Elkins College, Edinboro University of PA, Franklin University, Geneva College, Indiana University of PA, LaRoche College, Lincoln University, Penn State-New Kensington, Point Park University, Robert Morris University, State University of New York-Utica, Slippery Rock University of PA, Thiel College, University of Pittsburgh, Westminster College, and Youngstown State University. Inquiries about these agreements and their details should be directed to the transfer counselor.

Tutoring Services

Students enrolled in credit courses have access to free tutoring services. Tutoring applications must be completed before the first tutoring session and are available in the Academic Center for Enrichment located in the Student Services Building.

Tutoring ranges from group review sessions to one-on-one meetings. This service is available during daytime hours at the Main Campus, and on a limited basis during evening hours and at off-campus centers. On-line tutoring is available on a limited basis to students enrolled in select Internet courses. Students should apply for tutoring as early in the semester as possible.

Individuals who have attained academic achievement and wish to become tutors (a paid position) are urged to contact the Tutorial Coordinator at the ACE for an application and any additional information.

Act 101

Under the auspices of the Academic Center for Enrichment, the Act 101 program is a student support service designed to assist students in developing academic skills, leadership potential, and positive study habits. Act 101 students receive counseling, tutoring, and other support services throughout the academic year.

Act 101, a program supported in part by a grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, requires that a student be a Pennsylvania resident, and economically and academically disadvantaged. The Act 101 Office is located in the Student Services Building.

For further information about other program services and eligibility requirements, interested persons should contact the ACE Office. (NOTE: Availability of the services offered by the Act 101 program is contingent upon continued state grant funding, and is subject to regulatory changes which may affect eligibility requirements.)

Disabled Student Services

The College recognizes its responsibilities under Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act and the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and has established a Disabled Student Services Office to serve students with disabilities. This office advocates the rights of disabled students to equal educational opportunity and arranges special accommodations for students with demonstrated needs. Students with medical conditions or disabilities which may affect their academic progress and/or require accommodations are encouraged to voluntarily register their potential needs with the Disabilities Coordinator early in the admissions process. Requests for special classroom or campus accommodations should be submitted to the Disabled Student Services Office as far in advance of anticipated need as possible – particularly if outside agencies may be involved. Official documentation of disability or medical records will be required, but all such information is treated as confidential. The office is located in the Student Services Building.

Career Services

Career Services, located in the Student Services Building is designed to provide career counseling and planning, resume and cover letter review, portfolio development, job search assistance, and interviewing skills to current students and alumni. Students and alumni may post their resumes and search for jobs at www.collegecentral.com/bc3. Information regarding Cooperative Education (Co-op) employment opportunities may be obtained through the Career Services Specialist.

DISCOVER, Choices, and MyCareerMaker.org are computer guidance systems that provide for assessment of career interests and abilities, information about occupations including salaries and future employment projections, and more. DISCOVER is available on the Internet by contacting Career Services staff.

Job Readiness Course – A career services specialist teaches the Job Readiness Course to help students identify, communicate and market their qualifications to obtain employment. Students learn strategies for finding employment including resume writing, cover letters, developing job leads, and practice interviewing.

Career Planning Course – Academic counselors teach the Career Planning Course to assist students in choosing a college major and in developing skills necessary for self-assessment, long-range planning and development, and setting realistic career goals.

Job Placement Services – Employment opportunities reported to the college are posted in the hall outside the Career Services Office and also on www.collegecentral.com/bc3. Positions for fulltime, part-time and summer employment are available. Students and alumni may utilize the Resume Service by placing their resumes on file to be sent to employers. Staff will forward resumes of interested students to potential employers and assist students with the job search.

Cooperative Education – Cooperative education (co-op) is an academic experience designed to give students real-world work experience before graduation by integrating classroom study with planned, supervised work experience in which the student is a regular, paid employee. Students with a practicum or internship in their major may have the option of working in a co-op as an alternative.

The co-op experience:

  • provides real life experience
  • earns academic credit
  • increases marketability upon graduation
  • provides financial support
  • applies classroom theory in a practical setting

To be eligible for a co-op assignment, students must have a minimum of 12 credits completed with a 3.0 GPA in their major and a total of 20 credits with a minimum GPA of 2.75 overall. Students must be approved by the faculty and co-op coordinator, complete the required paperwork, attend co-op seminars, and identify and describe co-op regulations.

Students interested in applying for a co-op position should obtain an application from the Career Services Specialist in Career Services in the Student Services Building.

KEYS Program

KEYS (Keystone Education Yields Success), a program offered in collaboration with the PA Department of Public Welfare, is designed to assist TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) clients who are enrolled in a community college. KEYS provides academic support services and resources on campus, and acts as a liaison to the county assistance offices and other community service agencies.

For information about program services and eligibility requirements, stop into the KEYS office located in the Student Services Building, or call the KEYS office at (724) 287-8711, ext. 8378 and/or ext. 8489. (NOTE: Availability of services is contingent upon continued state grant funding.)

Carl D. Perkins Services

The purpose of the Carl D. Perkins program is to develop more fully the academic, career and technical skills of postsecondary education students who elect to enroll in career and technical education programs. Specifically tailored academic support and career services exist to assist students enrolled in Career and Technical Education programs in their efforts to attain technical skill proficiency; to complete their certificate, diploma or AAS degree program; and to become employed. Particular attention is paid to students who have a disability, are enrolled in non-traditional programs for their gender, are economically disadvantaged, have limited English proficiency, are single parents or are displaced homemakers. (Note: Availability of the services provided by the Carl D. Perkins program is contingent upon continued governmental funding.)

Technology Independent Study Lab (TISL)

The TISL open computer lab has staff to assist students in a variety of technical areas including the Internet, Blackboard, e-mail, CAD software, disk management, and other computer-related issues. Laptop computers are available to check out for occupational majors. The TISL is located in the Science and Technology Building, on the third floor, Room T316. Hours vary by semester, evenings are available.

New Choices/New Options Program

Butler County Community College sponsors New Choices/New Options, a program that provides free career development workshops designed for single parents, single pregnant women and displaced homemakers. Services are also available to those interested in exploring careers nontraditional to their gender. The workshops include vocational assessment, career and educational research, resume development, job search techniques and other topics to build a comprehensive career plan. Also included are a series of computer classes designed to develop basic skills. This is ideal for someone wanting to make a positive career change in a comfortable setting.

The workshops are offered in Butler and Lawrence counties (residents of other counties are also welcome to attend) and are open to students and community members at no charge; childcare funds are available. Upon completion, participants may apply for financial assistance to be used for further education or training expenses. For more information, contact the New Choices/New Options office at ext. 8393.

Student Activities

Government – The Executive Council for Students and the Office of Student Life work together to support clubs and organizations at BC3. These offices work with groups on the formation of new clubs, the recruitment of members, student activity fund allocations, fundraising, program planning and publicity, community service, and involvement in campus projects. They also coordinate events on campus including performances, dances, plays, picnics and much more. Participating students develop leadership qualities and learn skills in planning, organizing, and implementing events.

Student Newspaper – The Cube is a regularly published newspaper by and for the students of BC3. The Cube provides information about the campus as well as student opinions concerning campus life. This lively forum of exchange is a great learning experience for the student staff.

Academic Honors – Those who achieve academic excellence on campus are recognized in four ways. First, there are the Dean’s List (3.5 GPA) and President’s List (3.75 GPA) recognitions. Second, there is an invitation for membership in the honor society, Phi Theta Kappa, for those students who qualify. Third, those with a combination of good grades and involvement with activities will be nominated for inclusion in Who’s Who in American Junior Colleges. Fourth, graduates are recognized for their total grade point average (GPA) in the Commencement Program. Cum Laude (3.25 GPA), Magna Cum Laude (3.5 GPA), and Summa Cum Laude (3.75 GPA).

Clubs and Organizations – There are currently twenty clubs and organizations active on campus. There is something for everyone and if not, new clubs may be formed with the help of the Executive Council for Students.

Current clubs include acting, writing, ski, various academic program organizations and much, much more. Students have the opportunity to expand their resumes, gain valuable leadership experience, have fun, and meet many good friends through these activities.

Concerts and Entertainment

The College and Student Government present a variety of cultural events, concerts, lectures, and activities throughout the academic year. Annual events include Monster Madness, Spring Fling, Island Bash, and the Ice Cream Social along with discounted excursions to various athletic events and Broadway shows. Both the students and community are invited to attend these activities.

Senior Citizen Audit

Any resident of Butler County who is at least sixty-two years of age (proof of age document required) may enroll in credit classes at the College on a space available basis without paying tuition, required fees, or application fee. Senior citizen students may register for available classes on the last day before classes begin.

At the time of registration the student must indicate if they wish to take the course and earn credits, or on an audited basis.

Audit students have the right to attend class, but do not take tests, submit term papers, or receive grades. Audited classes do not apply to a degree or a certificate. Students will receive a college grade report at the end of the semester indicating the fact that the course will be audited.

Students will be responsible for any additional expenses associated with the course such as books and other required instructional materials.

Intercollegiate and Intramural Athletics

Butler County Community College provides competitive athletic programs for both the intercollegiate and the intramural student. Both programs have significant diversity and offer opportunity for both men and women separately as well as co-educationally.

The intercollegiate program offers competition in basketball and baseball for men and basketball, softball and volleyball for women. Golf is open to both men and women. Butler County Community College belongs to the National Junior College Athletic Association, Western Pennsylvania Collegiate Conference, and the Pennsylvania Collegiate Athletic Association. Student athletes are afforded the opportunity to earn recognition at the conference, state, and national level.

The intramural program is offered to the student who enjoys recreational activity at a competitive level. The program design and content varies with the needs and interests of the current student body. Typically, competition is offered in basketball, volleyball, softball, racquetball, weight lifting, pool, and table tennis.

Veterans Affairs

Butler County Community College has established a Veterans Affairs Office to provide a wide variety of services and information to veterans and their dependents. The Veterans Affairs Office is run out of the Office of Financial Aid and is located on the lower level of the Administration Building. The Financial Aid staff is available to assist eligible persons in applying for veterans’ educational benefits. Veterans should notify the Associate Director of Financial Aid at the time they apply for admission to ensure timely receipt of benefits. The staff is prepared to help veterans in the areas of financial aid, academic advisement, tutoring, and counseling.

Academic Progress for Veterans Receiving Educational Benefits

Academic progress is reviewed each May for Veterans receiving educational benefits. For every two semesters, a veteran receiving educational benefits must pass 75% of attempted credits. Veterans attending on a part-time basis will have their progress prorated proportionally. Additionally, the following GPA requirements must be met.

Credits Completed GPA Required







Note: Grades of “F” and “I” count as completed for GPA review. Veterans failing to satisfy either of the above standards will have their educational benefits terminated until such time as they satisfy all progress requirements.

Children’s Creative Learning Center (CCLC)

The CCLC provides a safe and healthy environment for the children of BC3 students, faculty, staff, and community. The CCLC is licensed as a preschool/kindergarten by the PA Dept. of Education and is licensed by the PA Dept. of Public Welfare for child care. The Center has a developmentally appropriate curriculum and serves as a lab school for various academic programs including Early Childhood Education at BC3. The CCLC accepts children 2 years 7 months (toilet trained) up to six years of age. Decisions concerning older children are under the discretion of the director. The CCLC staff consists of the Director, Assistant director, teachers, assistant group supervisors and work study students. Prices are reasonable and the atmosphere fosters creative learning experiences for the children.

Buckley Amendment

Annually Butler County Community College informs students of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, otherwise known as the Buckley Amendment. This Act, with which the College intends to comply fully, was designated to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their educational records, and to provide guidelines for the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings. Students also have the right to file complaints with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Office (FERPA) concerning alleged failures by the institution to comply with Act.

BC3 policy explains in detail the procedures to be used by the institution for compliance with the provisions of the Act. Copies of the Policy can be found in the Office of Records and Registration. Questions concerning the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may be referred to the Office of Records and Registration.

Students should be aware that the College releases Public information requested by interested persons or agencies without written permission of the student unless the currently enrolled student submits a written request to the Office of Records and Registration that this information should not be released. Public information which may be disclosed includes a student’s name, address, major field of study, participation in activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, previous educational
institutions attended by the student, photographs, and videos. At Butler County Community College, Public information does not include Social Security Number, birth date, phone number, email address, or salaries.

Currently enrolled students have the right to withhold disclosure of all (not partial) categories of public information. To withhold disclosure, written notification must be received in the Office of Records and Registration prior to mid-semester of each semester/summer session. Students are cautioned that withholding information can have adverse consequences when we are unable to verify attendance or degrees to agencies, insurance companies, or prospective employers. Former students and alumni are not covered under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. Therefore the College is not obligated to honor requests for non-disclosure of Public information from former students.