Feb 12, 2025  
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2022-2023 
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Admissions Policy

Admissions Procedures

Credit for Prior Learning

Guest Student Admission

High School Programming

International Student Admission

Out-of-State Residents

Placement Testing

Senior Citizen Credit Enrollment

Transferring to BC3

Admissions Policy

As an open admissions institution, Butler County Community College (BC3) is committed to serve all who may benefit from the academic programs of the institution. As such, the College does not require standardized pre-admission testing such as the ACT or the SAT. Placement testing to determine appropriate levels of English and/or mathematics may be required. However, if a student provides proof of ACT or SAT scores within the last 5 years that meet or exceed prescribed cut-offs or transfer credit, may exempt them from placement testing. Visit bc3.edu/placement-testing to learn more.

Enrollment at BC3 is open to:

  • All high school graduates
  • All students who have earned a High School Equivalency/Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma (GED® test/HiSET® exam or 30 College Credit Option)

Individuals who have not earned a high school diploma or a high school equivalency diploma may still apply to the College. Their applications will be evaluated by the Dean of Admissions/College Registrar. If admitted, and after successfully completing 30 college level credits at BC3, they can petition for a Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma through the State of Pennsylvania. Federal financial aid is only awarded to U.S. citizens and nationals, or permanent residents with a high school diploma, high school equivalency/Commonwealth Secondary School Diploma.

Admissions Procedures

An application, a $25 non-refundable, one-time application fee, and an official copy of the high school transcript (or GED®/HiSET® test scores, if applicable) are required for first-time students to the College. Transfer students must also send an official copy of their transcript(s) from colleges or universities previously attended.

Paper applications are available through the mail, at the high school guidance offices, or in person during an admission visit. Students may also apply online and pay the $25 application fee with a debit or credit card by visiting bc3.edu/apply. General applicants are notified of their acceptance no more than two weeks from the date of their submission.

The Massage Therapy, Medical Assistant, Physical Therapist Assistant, Practical Nursing, and Registered Nursing, and programs are selective and each has a separate application and requirements for acceptance. Contact the Admissions Office for specific details and deadlines or visit bc3.edu/admission/healthcare.

Selective Program Procedures

See individual certificate or degree descriptions for admission criteria and special requirements.

Credit for Prior Learning

Students may be granted academic credit based on prior learning, potentially reducing the number of classes needed to complete a degree or certificate. Credit may be granted by: transfer of credit from another institution, college level examination program, credit by examination, general life experience, and credit through articulation agreements. A student may be awarded no more than 45 credits for any combination of the above.

Transfer of Credit
  1. The Office of Records & Registration, in consultation with the Vice President for Academic Affairs and Deans, will review incoming transfer of credits only from official transcripts.
  2. A student may transfer up to a total of 45 credit hours toward a degree at Butler County Community College.
  3. College level courses taken while in the U.S. Armed Forces and submitted on official service forms are transferable if sanctioned by the American Council on Education. Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and Navy Active Duty, Reserve and Veterans. Official Joint Services transcripts can be ordered at https://jst.doded.mil. Official Air Force service members’ transcripts can be ordered from the Community College of the Air Force at https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Barnes/CCAF/.
  4. Credits will be accepted when earned in degree programs at regionally accredited (e.g. Middle States, etc.) and/or degree-granting institutions.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Selected CLEP credits are accepted by BC3. A complete list of CLEP credits accepted is available on the BC3 website or may be obtained from the Records and Registration Offiice by emailing registration@bc3.edu.

Credit by Examination

Division tests may be developed and used for granting of credit. Testing has been developed in some English, health, speech, drafting, and business courses. The non-refundable fee is half of the current year’s tuition cost per credit payable in advance. Complete details and procedures are available in the Records and Registration Office or by emailing registration@bc3.edu.

College Credit for Work or Life Experience

Prospective and current students can earn college credit based on prior work or life experience toward their BC3 degree requirements. Credit may be awarded for employment, training programs, certifications, military service, independent study, and/or community service. 

Those interested in exploring this option should reach out to the respective academic dean in which the course(s) fall to determine whether they meet set objectives. If approved, they are to compile a comprehensive electronic portfolio of supporting documents sending it to life.credits@bc3.edu upon completion.

Once the documents have been evaluated, the student will be contacted for payment in the amount of $150.00 per course. Payment is remitted to the Finance Office, lower level Administration Building on Main Campus, at any BC3 campus location, or can be added to an online tuition statement to pay via the student portal. Please direct questions to the Admissions Office at 724-284-8501 or life.credits@bc3.edu.

Articulation Agreements

Articulation agreements exist with many high schools and career and technical centers for the purpose of granting recognition for the achievement of learning comparable to college level. Information on course to course articulation agreements can be obtained from the High School Programming or Records and Registration Offices.

Advanced Placement Program

The College participates in the Advanced Placement Program (AP) of the College Entrance Examination Board (CEEB). Under this program, the College grants credit and advanced placement to students with completed College-level courses in secondary schools and with an AP test score of 3 or higher.

Guest Student Admission

Students who are currently enrolled at another college or university who would like to take courses at BC3 to transfer the credit back toward their degree requirements are considered guest students. Once their application is entered, they will receive an email to their personal address detailing next steps within 24 business hours. If the course(s) have a pre-requisite that may have already been met through prior testing such as SAT/ACT or coursework at another institution, the student should send their test scores or unofficial transcripts to gueststudent@bc3.edu. An advisor will confirm when a waiver has been placed on their behalf.

High School Programming

BC3’s College Within the High School and College Now, and partnership programs are specifically designed for college bound high school students who have demonstrated a strong academic performance by the end of their freshman year. These programs allow sophomores with a 3.25, juniors with a 3.00, or seniors with a 2.75 or better G.P.A. and the permission of their parents/guardians, school counselor, homeschool evaluator, or principal to earn transferable college credits while still enrolled in their high school curriculum.

College Now courses are those offered at a BC3 campus location or online.

College Within the High School courses are scheduled and taught at the student’s high school before, during, or after the school day, in the evening, or on a Saturday. Courses use the same syllabus and instructional materials and follow the same semester schedule as do the courses taught at one of BC3’s campuses or online.

High school students concurrently enrolled at BC3 who wish to become degree-seeking after graduating from high school must re-apply to the College. There is no fee to re-apply. For more information, contact the High School Programming Office at 724-287-8711, ext. 8254 or visit www.bc3.edu/hsp.

International Student Admission

Applicants who are citizens of a country other than the United States may apply for admission to Butler County Community College for an F-1 international student visa. International students must enroll full-time (12+ credits) in a credit bearing associate degree program for the fall and spring semesters and are only permitted to take one class online. They may take courses at any BC3 location and will be advised by the assigned Designated School Official (DSO).

In order to be considered for admission, the prospective student should follow the enrollment steps outlined on bc3.edu/international.

If eligible for admission to BC3, the applicant will receive an acceptance letter and a “Certificate of Eligibility” form (I-20) for immigration purposes. An international student is charged out-of-state tuition/fees and is not eligible for federal financial aid programs. Submission deadlines for materials may be imposed to allow sufficient time for processing. Current deadline dates are June 15 for the fall semester (August) and November 15 for the spring semester (January). BC3 does not have on-campus housing for students or the support of an International Student Services Office. Please direct questions regarding this process to admissions@bc3.edu.

Out-of-State Residents

Online-Only Courses/Programs

BC3 is approved to offer distance education (online learning) to residents of 49 states in the U.S. (California not included), Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands through the institution’s membership with the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA).  Before applying, please visit this webpage to view important information regarding State Authorization: bc3.edu/state-authorization

Programs that May Lead to Licensure

Professional licensure and/or certification requirements may vary from state to state. There may be a need for additional education requirements and/or special authorization from the professional licensing/certification agency in that state. Before applying, please visit this webpage to view important information regarding professional licensures: bc3.edu/professional-licensure

Placement Testing

Upon admission to the College, students may be required to take an ACCUPLACER placement test. The results of this test are used to assist students in selecting appropriate courses. If test scores indicate a need to strengthen basic skills in reading, mathematics, or English, students will be required to enroll in one or more developmental and/or preparatory courses. Students have the opportunity to retest once in each subject area. No fee is charged for the placement test or for the retests. Students who have a college-level English and/or math class passed with a “C” or better or appropriate SAT/ACT cut-off scores, may be exempt from placement testing upon receipt of their official transcript and/or scores. More information can be found at bc3.edu/placement-testing.

BC3 is currently piloting a multiple-measures approach which allows students to be exempted from taking placement tests if they are a recent high school graduate with a 3.0 GPA and appropriate grades in academic English and math coursework. 

Senior Citizen Credit Enrollment

Any resident of Butler County who is at least 62 years old (proof of age required) may enroll in credit classes at the College on a space available basis without paying tuition, course fees, or an application fee. However, they must still complete a hard copy Application for Admission selecting 100SR for their program and are responsible for the textbooks and materials associated with the class(es).

At the time of registration, the student must indicate if they wish to take audited or credit courses. Audit students have the right to attend class, but do not take tests, submit term papers, or receive grades. Senior citizens may register for available classes on the last business day before classes begin.

Transferring to BC3

Students at Butler County Community College may receive credit for graded courses taken at most other accredited, degree-granting institutions. The Office of Records & Registration in consultation with the Vice President for Academic Affairs and academic deans, will review incoming transfer of credits. For courses to be accepted in transfer, they must be listed on an official college transcript with a grade of A, B, or C. One and only one course with a D grade may be accepted if approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. College level work will be granted transfer credit where applicable to the student’s program.

Students who wish to learn about options for transferring credit from another college or university, College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Credit by Examination, Credit for Work or Life Experience, Articulation Agreements, or the Advanced Placement (AP) Program should refer to the Credit for Prior Learning section.

Students enrolled in a DEGREE program may not transfer in any more than forty-five (45) credits in any program. This may be done separately or combined with other methods of credit for prior learning.

Students enrolled in a CERTIFICATE program must take fifteen (15) credits in the Certificate program at Butler County Community College. The remainder may be accepted in transfer (separately or combined with other methods of credit for prior learning).

Students enrolled in a WORKPLACE CERTIFICATE program must take one-half of the minimum credit requirement in the Workplace Certificate program at Butler County Community College. The remainder may be accepted in transfer (separately or combined with other methods of credit for prior learning).