Feb 09, 2025  
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2009-2010 
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2009-2010 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Divisions


Butler County Community College believes that education for business requires a combination of class work, practical experience, and contact with professionals in the field. The goal of each business program is to prepare students for executive or entry-level positions in the business world or transfer to a four-year college or university.

Since the business world offers numerous opportunities for men and women with business skills, a wide variety of programs of study are offered. Faculty members work to create an atmosphere in which students receive individual attention and encouragement to best enhance their professional development.

All of the College’s business programs that are currently eligible for accreditation are accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).

Humanities & Social Sciences 

The Humanities and Social Sciences Division is responsible for ten transfer programs and nine occupational programs. In addition to general education courses in the humanities and social sciences, the Division offers courses in graphic design, fine arts, park and recreation management, police services, and Praxis prepartion. 

Dedicated faculty members demonstrate their expertise by teaching in both traditional and distance education formats. Many use technology to enhance the classroom experience. Humanities and Social Sciences faculty engage in scholarly research as well as College and community service.

Nursing & Allied Health 

Students in Nursing and Allied Health programs engage in a variety of clinically-based learning experiences while receiving instruction from qualified faculty. Graduates are prepared for employment in numerous health care settings.

The Butler County Community College (BC3) Nursing Program is fully accredited by the Pennsylvania State Board of Nursing and the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission (NLNAC).

Science & Technology 

There are four transfer programs and eleven occupational programs in the Science and Technology Division. The transfer programs consist of Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, and Mathematics. These programs are designed to allow students to take the foundation courses in each of the respective areas within a nurturing environment. Reasonable class sizes afford students the opportunity to academically grow through direct interaction with a knowledgeable and caring faculty. Many of the courses that the students take will transfer into bachelor degree programs at four year colleges or universities.

The eleven occupational programs include options in the technology areas of Architecture, Civil, Computer Aided Machining, Drafting, Electronics, Manufacturing, and Metrology. Students who complete one of the Division’s occupational programs have acquired skills that allow them, upon graduation, to be readily employable in their field of study. In addition, courses in many of the programs will readily transfer to four year colleges and universities for students who choose to pursue a bachelor degree in an applicable engineering technology program.

The Division’s faculty is highly regarded both within and outside the academic community. The faculty pursues scholarly activities such as writing books, developing and teaching online courses, utilizing technology such as Smart Board and lecture capture software in their instructional delivery, and participating in grant activities approved and funded by organizations such as the National Science Foundation (NSF). In addition, many of the Division’s faculty have served as consultants for business and industry as well as government and community organizations.