Sep 08, 2024  
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2023-2024 
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

BIOL 103 - Environmental Biology

4 Credits: (3 lecture, 3 lab)

Course Description
This non-majors course is an introductory-level study of organisms and their environment, utilizing practical examples of local plant and animal species. Ecological principles and their application to contemporary environmental problems will be given consideration in both lecture and field work. The laboratory includes both field and laboratory experience.  This course meets the General Education competency of Scientific Reasoning (SR).

Prerequisite Eligibility for enrollment in ENGL 101 based on placement test scores; or Cs or better in ENGL 029 or ENGL 030 and/or ENGL 034 or ENGL 035, as required; or transfer credits meeting or surpassing ENGL 101 prerequisites.

Cunningham, M. A., Cunningham, M. A., & O’Reilly, C. M. (2023).Principles of environmental science: inquiry & applications w/Access (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

The student will be able to:

A. Recognize major patterns of nutrient cycling and energy flow in ecosystems.

B. Distinguish among the major patterns of population growth and indicate their applicability to human populations.

C. Identify major world biomes and indicate major human impacts on biodiversity.

D. Detail environmental concerns over agriculture, waste disposal, water pollution and air pollution.

E. State the relationships and trade-offs between energy, sustainability and human development.

F. Apply the scientific method. (SR)

G. Utilize basic laboratory equipment appropriate to the discipline. (SR)

A. The ecosystem concept: nutrients and energy

B. Community ecology

C. Population biology

D. Physical ecology

E. Human Impact and concerns

Student Evaluation
Objectives A, B, C, D, E, F, and G will be evaluated via exams, a final exam, homework, and laboratory assignments.