Jan 02, 2025  
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2023-2024 
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

COMP 237 - Programming Fundamentals

3 Credits: (3 lecture)

Course Description
This course covers structured programming principles. It concentrates on the principles of good software engineering and stresses program clarity through the use of a structured top-down methodology. Topics covered include data types, control structures, input/output, functions, string processing, arrays, and basic classes.

Prerequisite Eligibility for enrollment in ENGL 101 based on placement test scores; or C or better in English developmental/preparatory courses. Eligibility for enrollment in MATH 091 based on placement test scores.

Gaddis, T. (2018).  Starting out with python (4th ed.).  New York City, NY: Pearson. 

The student will be able to: 

A. Analyze a programming problem in terms of user requirements. 

B. Develop an algorithmic solution to solve a programming problem using structured design methodologies such as pseudocode and activity diagrams. 

C. Convert an algorithm into source code using correct syntax. 

D. Run the programming solution. 

E. Design appropriate testing strategies to validate the correctness of solutions. 

F. Demonstrate the correct use of fundamental programming tools such as control structures, functions, strings, arrays, and classes. 

A. Fundamental structured design concepts and principles 

B. Testing and debugging strategies and tools 

C. Variables, types, expressions, and assignment 

D. Selection and iteration control structures 

E. Console and file input/output 

F. Arrays/lists and classes 

G. Functions and parameter passing 

H. Strings and string processing 

Student Evaluation
The student’s final grade in the course will be based on a minimum of two exams and six projects.