BC3 Academic Catalog: 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
COMP 247 - Systems Analysis & Design 3 Credits: (3 lecture)
Course Description This course provides the student with the core set of skills that are used in the planning, analysis, design and implementation of computer information systems’ architecture, applications, and security. Topics to be covered include: the systems development life cycle, feasibility analysis, systems analysis, requirements gathering, analysis models, design strategies, project management, change management, and post-implementation support and maintenance. This course meets the General Education competency of Critical Thinking (CT).
Note Fall semester only.
Prerequisite COMP 210.Corequisite COMP 101.
Text Tilley, S. (2020). Systems analysis and design (12th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.
Objectives The student will be able to:
A. Explain the various stages of the Systems Development Life Cycle in terms of the tasks performed and the deliverables produced at each stage.
B. Describe the various factors that affect the technical, economic, and organizational feasibility of proposed changes to a computer information system.
C. Use project management tools to analyze a problem by identifying tasks and estimating time and resource requirements. (CT)
D. Apply requirement gathering techniques and analysis models to analyze current and proposed computer information systems. (CT)
E. Explain the various design strategies and techniques that are used in the design of system architecture, applications, and security.
F. Develop an implementation or testing plan and documentation for a computer information system. (CT)
G. Describe the benefits and risks of different conversion strategies and how change management techniques can minimize stress as users adopt and adapt to system change.
H. Explain the issues involved in the ongoing maintenance and support of computer information systems.
Content A. The Systems Development Life Cycle
B. Project planning and feasibility analysis
C. Project initiation and management
D. Systems analysis, requirements gathering, and analysis models
E. Design strategies and principles
F. Implementation, testing, and documentation
G. Installation, conversion, and change management
H. Support and maintenance
Student Evaluation Objectives A, B, E, G, & H will be evaluated by exams.
Objectives C, D, & F will be evaluated by projects.