BC3 Academic Catalog: 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
COOP 101 - Cooperative Education I 1 - 4 Credits:
Course Description This course provides the first work experience with a college approved employer in the student’s field of study. Emphasis is placed on integrating classroom learning with related work experience.
Note One to four credits will be granted depending on the number of work hours and the job description.
Prerequisite GPA in major of 12 credits 3.0, overall GPA of 20 credits 2.75 and approval of faculty and coop coordinators.
Text Barbeau, J., B. Stull and J. Godfrey. Learning from Working: A Guide for Cooperative Education and Internship Students. 2nd ed. Cincinnati, South-Western Publishing Company, 1998.
Kimeldorf, Martin. Workplace Journal. Alabama: EBSCO Curriculum Materials, 1995.
Objectives Together with the faculty coordinator, and using the job description as a guide, the student will formulate 4 to 10 learning objectives for the course during the first week of the co-op assignment. At least one objective should deal with employability skills such as meeting deadlines, being punctual and dependable, and developing a good work ethic.
Content The job description provided by the co-op employer is the course content.
Student Evaluation Evaluation will be based on the employer evaluation, the faculty co-op coordinator’s assessment of the student workplace journal and a student essay. This 1-2 page essay should describe how the student met the learning objectives for the course.
Bibliography Ames, Michael D. Pathways to Success. California: Berrett-Koehler, 1994.
Jones, Lawrence K. Job Skills for the 21st Century - A Guide for Students. Arizona: Oryx Press, 1996.
Sutcliffe, Andrea. First Job Survival Guide. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1997.
Witt, Melanie. Job Strategies for People With Disabilities. New Jersey: Petersons, 1992.
Learning to Work, Working to Learn. Alexandria, VA: AVA, 1995.