BC3 Academic Catalog: 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
CRIM 130 - Corrections 3 Credits: (3 lecture)
Course Description This course introduces the student to the field of corrections. Correctional history, theory, philosophy, and practice are discussed to give students a practical understanding of today’s corrections operations. An additional focus on what is done in corrections, why it is done, and future challenges facing correctional staff and administrators will be presented.
Text Seiter, Richard, P. Corrections: An Introduction. 6th ed. Upper Saddle River: Pearson, 2020.
Objectives The student will be able to:
A. Explain the historical development of corrections.
B. Discuss the concept of prisonization and its impact on inmates.
C. Describe methods and rehabilitative approaches that are effective in handling and rehabilitating all types of inmates.
D. Explain how correctional personnel are trained to identify, manage and treat special needs inmates.
E. List institutional physical plant requirements for offenders.
F. Discuss release planning considerations and programs available to ensure successful re-entry into society.
Content A. History of corrections
B. Correctional policy and operations
C. Parole and prisoner re-entry
D. Special needs offenders
E. The management of prisons
F. Theories of correctional counseling and treatment
G. Prison life
H. Legal issues
I. Correctional challenges
Student Evaluation Grades will be based on written research projects, examinations, quizzes, and other assignments as required by the instructor.
Bibliography Cripe, Clair and Michael Pearlman. Legal Aspects of Corrections Management. 5th ed. Sudbury: Jones, 2006.
Foster, Burk. Legal Aspects of Corrections Management. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice, 2006.
Phillips, Richard L. and Charles McConnell. The Effective Corrections Manager: Correctional Supervision for the Future. 2nd ed. Sudbury: Jones, 2005.
Other References
American Civil Liberties Union. National Prison Project Publications. <www.aclu.org/prisons/prisons.cfm?ID+11334+C+26>.