BC3 Academic Catalog: 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
DRFT 108 - 3-D Geometric Modeling/SolidWorks® 3 Credits: (2 lecture, 4 lab)
Course Description This course employs SolidWorks® parametric 3D modeling software into the design process of mechanical components. Students will learn the workflows of the three basic modes of Solidworks®: Parts, Assemblies, and Drawings. Advanced modeling and editing tools are covered. Physical parts will be produced from models using 3D printing technology.
Note Spring semester only.
Prerequisite DRFT 120 or permission of instructor.
Text Tickoo, S. (2018). SolidWorks® 2019 for designers (17th ed). Schererville, IN: Cadcim.
Objectives The student will be able to:
A. Create parametric models which incorporate design intent.
B. Incorporate dimensions and tolerances into design documents.
C. Employ geometric relations.
D. Generate assemblies from parts.
E. Create drawings compliant with national and industrial standards.
F. Produce rapid prototypes from parametric models.
Content A. 2D entity sketching.
B. 3D feature creation.
C. Sketch and feature editing.
D. Design intent using dimensions and geometric relations.
E. Assembly creation.
F. Drawing creation, dimensioning, and annotation.
G. Rapid prototyping.
Student Evaluation The objectives will be evaluated as follows: A, B, C, D, E, and F will be evaluated using graphic assignments, examinations and a comprehensive final examination (or project). The comprehensive final (or project) is worth 20% of the final grade.