BC3 Academic Catalog: 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ELEC 221 - Electronics I 5 Credits: (4 lecture, 3 lab)
Course Description This course is a semiconductor device course. The main topics covered are diode characteristics and applications, bipolar junction transistor characteristics, modeling, and operation in small-signal and large-signal amplifier circuits, field-effect transistor biasing and operation. There is also an emphasis on circuit simulation using PSpice.
Note Spring semester only.
Prerequisite ELEC 110, or ELEC 101 and ELEC 102.
Text Boylestad, Robert L. Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory. 11th ed. Prentice, 2013. Print.
Objectives The student will be able to:
A. Describe the basic operation and characteristics of diode, BJT and FET circuits.
B. Analyze BJT and FET-based amplifier circuits.
C. Use the oscilloscope, VOM, DMM, and function generator to troubleshoot, test, and design active circuits.
D. Use PSpice to simulate and analyze small-signal, large-signal, and frequency response characteristics of circuits containing BJTs, FETs and diodes.
Content A. Thevenin’s and Norton’s Theorems
B. Diode circuit operation
C. Circuit simulation
D. Bipolar transistor operation and biasing techniques
E. Small-signal BJT amplifier analysis and testing
F. Field-effect transistor biasing
G. FET Small-signal amplifier analysis and testing
H. Power amplifier biasing and large signal analysis
I. Basic thyristor operation and applications
Student Evaluation The final grade will be based upon four major tests and evaluation of selected laboratory assignments.