Jan 02, 2025  
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2023-2024 
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

ELEC 250 - Individual Research Project

2 Credits: (2 lecture)

Course Description
This is a supervised work or research experience which allows the student to grow professionally, to apply learned theory to practical situations, and to gain an appreciation of the roles, duties, responsibilities, and nature of the work that has been chosen as a career. This is a required course for all Electronics majors. The assembling of kits such as those available from Heathkit, Graymark, Radio Shack, etc., are not acceptable research projects. 

Note Project topic must be approved by the professor assigned to the course.  Spring semester only.

Prerequisite ELEC 110, ELEC 221, ELEC 222, ELEC 225, ELEC 240, and 2.0 or higher QPA overall in electronics.

None. Various materials appropriate to approved project.

The student will be able to:

A. Demonstrate an independent career related work research project.

B. Demonstrate organizational, communication and problem-solving skills.

C. Investigate an area of electronics that is most interesting to him or her.

D. Integrate those principles and techniques learned in previous and concurrent courses.

A. Circuit construction techniques

B. PC board layout

C. Practical applications of op amps and bipolar transistors

D. Prototype construction

E. Circuit simulation

Student Evaluation
The final grade will be based on written and oral project reports, as well as a demonstration of the operation of the project.