BC3 Academic Catalog: 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
MATH 224 - Differential Equations 3 Credits: (3 lecture)
Course Description This course is an introductory study of the methods of solution of ordinary differential equations including applications. Included are first order solutions using exact, separable, homogeneous, and linear types. Second order solutions, series solutions, numerical solutions, and Laplace transforms are included.
Note Spring semester only.
Prerequisite MATH 222.
Text Polking, J., Boggess, A., & Arnold, D. (2018). Differential equations with boundary value problems (classic version) (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
Objectives The student will be able to:
A. Identify differential equations.
B. Solve exact, separable, linear, and homogeneous first order differential equations.
C. Solve the higher order linear differential equations utilizing undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters.
D. Use the series method of solution of the linear differential equation.
E. determine numerical solutions of differential equations using the Euler and Runge-Kutta methods.
F. Utilize the Laplace transform.
G. Determine solutions of differential equations using Laplace transforms.
H. Utilize differential equation to examine applications.
Content A. Differential equations and their solutions
B. First order solutions for exact differential equations, separable equations, linear equations, homogeneous equations, and Bernoulli equations
C. Solution of second order linear equations using undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters
D. Series solutions of linear differential equations
E. Numerical solution of differential equations
F. Laplace transform solution of differential equations
G. Applications
Student Evaluation Periodic examinations, daily assignments, and a final examination