Oct 18, 2024  
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2023-2024 
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

PHIL 208 - Ethics

3 Credits: (3 lecture)

Course Description
This course focuses upon various criteria for determining ethical practices. Although philosophical in nature, the course draws upon literature, history, religion, politics, psychology, and sociology in seeking personal, social, and professional ethics to find order. The terms “good” and “right” are discussed in the decision-making process. This course meets the General Education competency of Values, Ethics, and Diverse Perspectives (VE).

Cahn, Steven M. and Andrew T. Forcehimes. Exploring Moral Problems: An Introductory Anthology. Oxford UP, 2018. 

 The student will be able to: 

A. Define major moral theories. 

B. Examine the frameworks and dilemmas of various ethical situations. (VE) 

C. Show evidence of a general value system applicable to the social and economic environment. 

D. Examine personal ethics and values in comparison to diverse situations. 

E. Examine the complexity of global human diversity and the various forces that shape it. (VE) 

A. The Scope of Morality. 

B. Fundamental Ethical Principles:  1) Kant and Respect for Persons; 2)  Absolute Moral Rules; 3) Utilitarianism; 4) Egoism; 5) The Social Contract; and 6) The Ingredients of Happiness.  

C. Ethical Decisions in a Social Context:  1) Justice and Equality; 2) Role Morality; 3) Abortion; 4) Euthanasia; 5) Punishment and the Death Penalty; 6) Censorship;   7) Controlling Disease Risks; 8) Ecology and Future Generations; 9) War and Nuclear Disarmament; and 10) Distribution of Wealth.     

D. Ethical Decisions in Business and the Professions:  1) Employer/Employee Relationships; 2) Discrimination in Sex, Age, Color, Race, and Creed; 3)  Ethics in Government; and 4) Ethics in Medicine and the Research  Imperative. 

Student Evaluation
A-E. Class discussions, debates, written assignments, and examinations. 

Arthur, J. A. Morality and Moral Controversies.  Prentice-Hall, 1993. 

Confucius.  (Lin Yutan Trans.).  The Wisdom of Confucius. Random House, 1943. 

Emerson, Ralph Waldo.  “The American Scholar” Selections from Ralph Waldo Emerson.  Houghton Mifflin Company, 1960. 

French, P. A.  The Spectrum of Responsibility.  St. Martin’s, 1991. 

Hume, David.  An Enquiry Concerning the Human Understanding and Concerning the Principles of Morals,  2nd ed.   The Clarendon Press, 1902. 

Kant, Immanuel.  (Carol J. Friedrich, ed.).  The Philosophy of Kant: Kant’s Moral and Political Writings.  Modern Library, 1949. 

Knox, T. M. (Trans.).  Hegel’s Philosophy of Right.  1st ed.  Oxford University Press, 1967. 

Leob, Robert H.  Manners at Work:  How They Help You Toward Career Success.  Association Press, 1967. 

Michiavelli, Nicolo.  The Prince. E. P. Dutton, 1935. 

Miller, Richard W. Analyzing Marx: Morality, Power, and History. Princeton University Press, 1984. 

Nussbaum, Martha C. The Fragility of Goodness: Luck and Ethics in Greek Tragedy and Philosophy. Cambridge University Press, 1986. 

Regan, T.  Matters of Life and Death.  McGraw Hill, 1993. 

Solomon, R. C.  Introducing Philosophy.  Harcourt Brace, 1993. 

Sophocles. (Green and Lattimore, eds.). Antigone, Sophocles I. Washington Square Press, 1954. 

Spinoza, Benedictus de.  Spinoza’s Ethics on the Correction of Understanding. Dutton, 1959. 

The Holy Bible.  King James Version.  Matthew 5: 3-16. 

Thiroux, Jacques P.  Ethics, Theory, and Practice.  7th ed. Prentice Hall, 2001. 

Audio Visual Bibliography 

Clarifying Your Values:  Guidelines for Living (Kit).  Center for Humanities, 1974. 

“A Matter of Judgment,” Ethics in American Business Telecast.  Public  Broadcasting Company, Ethics Resource Center, 1986. 

Ethics in America.  (Video Recording).  Public Broadcasting Service, Adult Learning Services, 1988.