BC3 Academic Catalog: 2024-2025
COMM 201 - Speech 3 Credits: (3 lecture)
Course Description This course examines the functions and methods in contemporary public speaking through preparation of effectively organized ideas and dynamic verbal interpretation. The student is given opportunities to develop proper speaking habits, effective listening techniques, standards of criticism, and awareness of the ethical responsibilities of a speaker. This course meets the General Education Competency of Oral Communication. (OC)
Text Gregory, H. (2022). Public speaking for college & career. 12th ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Objectives The student will be able to:
A. Give effective oral presentations to groups in a public address format. (OC)
B. Analyze and critique speeches. (OC)
C. Design and integrate audio-visual aids into his/her presentations. (OC)
D. Integrate primary and secondary sources into his/her oral presentations. (OC)
E. Cite sources per an academic style guide as assigned by the instructor. (OC)
F. Interact in small groups to complete class assignments. (OC)
Content A. Development and organization of effective oral presentations including:
1. Audience awareness and analysis
2. Invention/creation and selection of appropriate topics
3. Design of effective introductions and conclusions
4. Development of ideas in a logical manner
5. Use of evidence, statistics, reasoning and motivational techniques
6. Design and use of audio-visual aides
B. Delivery techniques focusing on oral and non-verbal behavior and their effect on the communication process.
C. Student presentations: A minimum of four oral presentations are required using various rhetorical modes, i.e. persuasive, informative, and demonstrative. Students may also be required to use electronic enhancements such as Power Point.
Student Evaluation A. Speeches
B. Self-analysis papers analyzing each presentation
C. Informative and Persuasive speeches using computer generated visual aids
D. Informative and Persuasive speeches in which sources are documented orally
E. Informative and Persuasive speeches with sources cited and documented on a works cited
F. Group discussion presentations Bibliography Aristotle. Poetics. Trans. James Hutton. Norton, 1982.
Detz, Joan. It’s not what you say; it’s how you say it. St. Martin’s, 2000.
Detz, Joan. How to Write and Give a Speech: A Practical Guide for Executives, PR People, Managers, Fund-raisers, Politicians, Educators, and Anyone Who Has to Make Every Word Count. St. Martin’s, 1992.
Dwyer, Karen K. Conquer your Speech Anxiety. 2nd ed. Thomson, 2005.
Esposito, Janet E. In the Spotlight: Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking and Performance. Strong Books, 2000.
Jeary, Tony, Kim Dower and J.E. Fishman. Life is a Series of Presentations. Fireside, 2004.
Karam, Thomas J. Can We Talk? A Handbook for Public Speakers. University Press of America, 1994.
Robinson, James W. Better Speeches in Ten Simple Steps. Prima, 1995.
Walters, Lilly. Secrets of Superstar Speakers. McGraw, 2000.
Wilder, Lilyan. 7 Steps to Fearless Speaking. J. Wiley, 1999.
Video Tapes
The Art of Listening. Prod. Stage Fright Productions. Writ. Meg Thalkin. Learning Seed, 1993. Videocassette.
Cook, Roger, and Jessica Stowell. Successful Speaking: Communication or Frustration: Men & Women in Dialogue. Educational Video Group, 2005. DVD.
Hale, John R. The Art of Public Speaking: Lessons from the Greatest Speeches in History. Teaching Company, 2010. DVD.
How to Write and Deliver Great Speeches: The Toastmasters International Guide to Public Speaking. Prod. Steve Kantola. Dir. Timothy Armstrong. Kantola Producations, 2006. Videocassette.
Public Speaking Made Easy. Educational Video Network, 1999. Videocassette.
Stowell, Jessica, and Roger Cook. Successful Speaking: Conquering Speech Anxiety. Educational Video Group, 2004. DVD.
Stowell, Jessica, and Roger Cook. Successful Speaking: Delivery Techniques. Educational Video Group, 2004. DVD.
Stowell, Jessica, and Roger Cook. Successful Speaking: Developing Listening Skills. Educational Video Group, 2004. DVD.