BC3 Academic Catalog: 2024-2025
FREN 201 - French III 3 Credits: (3 lecture)
Course Description This course is a review of the four basic skills of French through written and oral work. In addition, vocabulary peculiarities and idioms, grammatical problems, and a study of current French events and cultural ramifications are included. Class and individual work will be stressed to achieve greater fluency in comprehension, speaking, and writing.
Note If a foreign language student 102 or higher is deemed to be ill prepared for a course, the instructor may suggest that he or she transfer to a lower level course. The instructor may not “bump up” a student to a higher level from the class in which he or she has enrolled.
Prerequisite FREN 102 or permission of instructor.
Text Muyskens, Judith A., Alice D. Hadley and Claudine C. Chalmers. Rendez-vous: An Invitation to French. 6th ed. McGraw, 2002.
—Rendez-vous: Cahier D’Exercises.
—Rendez-vous: Manuel de Laboratoire
Objectives The student will be able to:
A. Demonstrate an increase in his proficiency in the comprehension of French.
B. Demonstrate an increase in his proficiency in spoken French.
C. Demonstrate an increase in his knowledge of the culture of French speaking countries.
Content Content includes a review of the expressions and grammar learned in French 101 and 102. New material is based on Chapters 9-18 in the text. Grammar includes all verb forms and tenses, pronouns, formation and position of adjectives and adverbs. Vocabulary includes expressions concerning the house, menus, travel, communication, and leisure. Readings, both in text and supplementary, teach culture and reinforce comprehension. Cassettes are used to aid pronunciation and intonation.
Student Evaluation Students are evaluated orally through classroom participation, drills, individual recitations, and learning of dialogues. Written evaluations include dictations, quizzes, and tests.Bibliography Cuehenno. En France comme si vous y etiez. Paris: Hachette, n.d.
Deliere, Jacques, and Robert C. Lafayelle. Connaitre la France. 2nd ed. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers, Inc., 1983.
Ellison, Reuben, and Albert Raffanel. Profil de la France nouvelle. New York: American Book Company, 1965.
Gallo, Patricia L., and Frank Sedwick. French for Careers: Conversational Perspectives. New York: D. Van Nostrand Company, 1981.
Harris, Julian. French Reader for College. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1949.
Kelly, Reine Cardaillac. Expressions idiomatiques en francais vivant. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Jovanovich Publishers, Inc., 1974.
Kirkland, Catherine J., and Edward C. Knox. A Mon Avis. New York: Harcourt, Brace, and Jovanovich, Inc., 1977.
Murphy, Joseph A. Realites Francaise. Boston: Heinle and Heinle Publishers, Inc., 1984.
Pratt, Jane. (ed.) Harrap’s Slang Dictionary: English-French/French/English. London: Harrap Limited, 1984.
Uzan, Bernard F., et al. Spoken French for Students and Travelers. 2nd ed. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath and Company, 1978.
Audio Cassettes
French Auditory Comprehension
La France Actuelle et la France en Marche vers L’ and 2,000
Niveau, IV.
Pronunciation Francaise.
Quickie French for the Traveller
Moliere et la Comedie Francaise
Beaubourg, Christmas in France
Christmas in France
Pompidoux Center