Dec 26, 2024  
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2024-2025 
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2024-2025

MACH 121 - Precision Grinding

3 Credits: (2 lecture, 2 lab)

Course Description
This course is designed to introduce the student to the precision surface grinder, its parts, operation, and basic application.  Classroom and laboratory activities include the set up and operation of the surface grinder, wheel selection, surface finishes, and grinding fluids.  Students will grind parts to industrial standards using appropriate safety procedures.

This course can be completed by obtaining the following National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) certification skills:  job planning, bench work, and layout and grinding skills (Machining Level I Standard).

Credit for this course can be granted through verification of the following National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS) certifications: Measurement, Materials, and Safety (MMS) and Grinding Level I credentials. 

Butler County Community College does not offer NIMS certification.

Prerequisite DRFT 114 and MACH 117

Repp, Dr. Victor E. Precision Grinding. Fort Washington: National Tooling and Machining Association,1999. Print.

The student will be able to:

A. Identify appropriate safety procedures in accordance to industrial standards.

B. Identify the parts, operations and applications of the precision surface grinder.

C. List the steps of a daily routine maintenance schedule.

D. Develop a process plan for basic surface grinding operations.

E. Select proper grinding wheels according to various materials and applications.

F. Implement basic setup and fixturing applications.

G. Perform setup and grinding operations safely.

A. Shop safety

B. Job planning

C. Maintenance

D. Wheel selection

E. Truing and dressing of grinding wheels

F. Work holding

G. Materials

H. Grinding fluids

Student Evaluation
All students must score a minimum of 90% on the departmental safety exam before using any laboratory equipment.

Objectives B, C, D, and E will be evaluated by assignments, tests, and quizzes.

Objectives F and G will be evaluated through grinding projects.