BC3 Academic Catalog: 2024-2025
PHSC 123 - Astronomy 3 Credits: (2 lecture, 2 lab)
Course Description This is a descriptive, introductory course in astronomy for Liberal Arts students. An overview of the history of astronomy and descriptions of the sky, our moon, the planets of our solar system, the sun, other stars, stellar evolution, and the Milky Way, are included. The College’s 14-inch Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope is used for solar and night-time observations. This course meets the General Education competency of Scientific Reasoning (SR).
Text Bennett, J. O., Donahue, M. O., Schneider, N., & Voit, M. (2020). The cosmic perspective fundamentals (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pearson, 2020.
Hirshfeld, A. (2020). Astronomy activity and laboratory manual (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Objectives The student will be able to:
A. Describe the earth as a member of the Solar System, the Milky Way Galaxy, and the Universe.
B. Describe stars as individuals and in groups and explain how this information has been determined.
C. Explain the stages of stellar evolution.
D. Diagram and explain commonly used telescopes.
E. Compare and contrast the planets of the Solar System.
F. Describe the Milky Way Galaxy and explain how this information has been obtained.
G. Describe the structure of the universe beyond the Milky Way.
H. Explain the Big Bang model for the universe and cite evidence for its support.
I. Apply the scientific method. (SR)
J. Utilize basic laboratory equipment appropriate to the discipline. (SR)
Content Historical background. Nature of light, types of telescopes, atomic structure, and techniques for gathering information. Earth. Moon, Inner and outer planets. Asteroids, meteroids, and comets. The sun. General characteristics of stars. Multiple star systems. Variable stars. Interstellar media. Stellar evolution. The Milky Way. Beyond our galaxy. Cosmology.
Student Evaluation Objective A: Quizzes, hour examinations, and final examination.
Objective B: Quizzes, hour examinations, and final examination.
Objective C: Quizzes, hour examinations, and final examination.
Objective D: Laboratory exercises.
Objective E: Quizzes, hour examinations, and final examination.
Objective F: Quizzes, hour examinations, and final examination.
Objective G: Quizzes, hour examinations, and final examination.
Objective H: Quizzes, hour examinations, and final examination.
Objective I: Laboratory exercises.
Objective J: Laboratory exercises.