Dec 26, 2024  
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2024-2025 
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2024-2025

PTAP 135 - Fundamentals of Therapeutic Exercise

2 Credits: (2 lecture)

Course Description
The basic principles of therapeutic exercise will be presented. The students will learn fundamentals of kinesiology and biomechanics and relate them to the musculoskeletal structures of the human body. Both normal and pathologic states will be covered. Students will also learn the types, effects, and modulations of therapeutic exercises and activities, including stretching, strengthening, and aerobic conditioning.

Corequisite PTAP 101, PTAP 121, and BIOL 131 or permission from the instructor.

Kisner, Carolyn, and Lynn Allen Colby. Therapeutic Exercise: Foundations and Techniques. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Davis, 2018.

Lippert, Lynn. Clinical Kinesiology and Anatomy. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Davis, 2017.

Manske, Robert. Fundamental Orthopedic Management for the Physical Therapist Assistant. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby, 2016.

The student will be able to

A. Identify appropriate terminology relating to kinesiology and biomechanics.

B. Explain the types and properties of musculoskeletal connective tissues.

C. Describe various properties of the Skeletal, Articular, Muscular, and Nervous Systems.

D. Describe the parameters associated with therapeutic exercise and how to manipulate

     those parameters.

E. Explain the physiologic effects of exercise in both normal and pathologic states.

F. Identify the stages of healing and treatment of injured musculoskeletal connective tissues.

G. Demonstrate the various parameters of stretching, strengthening, and aerobic conditioning.

A. Kinesiology and biomechanics

B. Properties and healing of connective tissues: cartilage, tendon, ligament, bone

C. Fundamentals of skeletal, articular, muscular, and nervous systems

D. Effects of therapeutic exercise

E. Parameters of aerobic exercise: mode, frequency, intensity, duration

F. Types and parameters of range of motion and stretching activities

G. Concepts and parameters of muscular strengthening

H. Modifications of therapeutic exercise for various patient populations

Student Evaluation
The student will be evaluated primarily via written tests. Other activities may include quizzes, homework and in-class assignments.Bibliography
American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. 8th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 2009.

Bandy, William, and Barbara Sanders. Therapeutic Exercise for Physical Therapist Assistants: Techniques for Intervention. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 2007.

Donatelli, Robert, and Michael Wooden. Orthopaedic Physical Therapy. 4th ed. St. Louis: Elsevier, 2009.

Goodman, Catherine, and Kevin Helgeson. Exercise Prescription for Medical Conditions, Handbook for Physical Therapy. Philadelphia: Davis, 2010.

Hertling, Darlene, and Randolph Kessler. Management of Common Musculoskeletal Disorders: Physical Therapy Principles and Methods. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 2005.

Levangie, Pamela, and Cynthia Norkin. Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Davis, 2010.

Magee, David, James E. Zachazewski, and William S. Quillen. Scientific Foundations and Principles of Practice in Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation. St. Louis: Elsevier, 2007.

Mansfield, Paul, and Donald Neumann. Essentials of Kinesiology for the Physical Therapist Assistant. St. Louis: Elsevier, 2009.

Katch, Victor L., William D. McArdle, and Frank I. Katch. Essentials of Exercise Physiology. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 2010.

McArdle, William, Frank I. Katch, and Victor L. Katch. Exercise Physiology: Nutrition, Energy, and Human Performance. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 2009.

Neumann, Donald. Kinesiology of the Musculoskeletal System: Foundations for Rehabilitation. 2nd ed. St. Louis: Elsevier, 2009.

Oatis, Carol. Kinesiology: The Mechanics and Pathomechanics of Human Movement. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 2008.

Woolf-May, Kate, Steve Bird, Polly Davey, and Jane Fallows. Exercise Prescription: The Physiological Foundations: A Guide for Health, Sport, and Exercise Professionals. St. Louis: Churchill, 2007.