BC3 Academic Catalog: 2024-2025
SOCW 217 - Addictions Practicum 6 Credits: (2 lecture, 10 work hours per week)
Course Description This course affords students the ability to practice and apply the concepts they have learned in their Addictions Recovery Specialist coursework. Students will complete a minimum of 70 hours of field-based experience in a variety of clinical environments addressing addictions recovery. This course requires attendance at a weekly classroom seminar.
Prerequisite SOCW 101, SOCW 105
Text Berkenmeier, J. M. & Berg-Weger, M. (2018). The practicum companion for social work: Integrating class and field work. (4th ed). New York, NY: Pearson.
Objectives The student will be able to
A. Present a professional self.
B. Identify safety risks in the helping professions.
C. Practice the basic set of helping skills as learned in the Addictions Recovery Specialist coursework.
D. Recognize models of addictions recovery as identified in the practicum setting.
E. Examine ethical situations from a variety of perspectives.
F. Collaborate with other helping professionals to assist in planning & coordinating treatment.
G. Recognize cultural differences.
Content A. Professional self
B. Safety
C. Individual and group practice skills
D. Models of addiction
E. Ethical situations
F. Treatment planning
G. Cultural competency
Student Evaluation A. Reflection journal, field supervisor report
B. Reflection journal
C. Field supervisor report, final written assignment
D. Reflection journal, field supervisor report, final written assignment
E. Reflection journal, field supervisor report
F. Reflection journal, field supervisor report, final written assignment
G. Reflection journal, field supervisor report