1 Students advancing on to an associate degree are encouraged to take Technical Graphics with AutoCAD (DRFT 120).
2 Students advancing on to an associate degree are encouraged to take Technical Math I (MATH 117) or College Algebra (MATH 101).
3 Students advancing on to an associate degree are encouraged to take College Writing (ENGL 101).
4 Program advisor must approve choice of technical emphasis elective from areas of computer programming, electronics, drafting, metrology, and/or manufacturing. Introduction to Microcomputing (COMP 210) or Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Programming I-Mill (MECH 120) is recommended.
5 The National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS). NIMS is a nonprofit national educational foundation that fosters partnerships between businesses and schools to develop a skilled workforce for the metalworking industry. It serves the needs of the metalworking industry by assisting in the development of skill standards for educational and company training programs. Individual assessments can certify skill competencies that are nationally recognized. NIMS requirements focus on accuracy, consistency, safety, problem solving, teamwork and demonstrated performance. The Machine Tool Technology Certificate at Butler County Community College is directly aligned with the NIMS standards.
NIMS Machining Level I Certification can be used to satisfy the 9 credit requirement pertaining to the courses:
*Lathe I (MACH 111), *Mill I (MACH 131), and *Computer Numerical Control (CNC) Programming (MECH 114).
*In order to receive course credits, specific certification skills must be obtained for each course–see course descriptions for details.
NIMS Machining Level II Certification can be used to satisfy the 6 credit option pertaining to the courses:
Lathe II (MACH 112) and Mill II (MACH 132).
Butler County Community College does not offer NIMS certification.