Feb 09, 2025
BC3 Academic Catalog: 2011-2012 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Technical Trades - Radiologic Technology, A.A.S.
Technical Trades - Radiologic Technology (314C)
Associate in Applied Science Degree
This two-year program is designed to prepare individuals for entry-level employment as a professional radiographer in radiology departments of hospitals, offices of private physicians, and other health care facilities using radiographic procedures. The curriculum enables students to receive credit for successfully earning a certificate in radiologic technology at a program accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JCERT), and passing the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) National Registry Examination. In addition to developing technical skills needed to function as a radiographer, individuals will complete a series of liberal arts courses in order to develop skills necessary to serve as an essential member of the health care team. Such skills focus on communication, human diversity, technology, living a healthy lifestyle, and critical thinking and judgment.
Students must be concurrently enrolled in, or have successfully completed a JCERT accredited hospital-based radiography certificate program and have maintained current licensure. Admission to the certificate program is selective and requires application directly to the accredited hospital-based program. College courses listed in the first and fourth semesters will be scheduled for the fall; second and fifth semester courses will be scheduled for the spring; third and sixth semester courses will be scheduled for the summer.
Sixth Semester (33)
* Successful Completion of Radiologic Technology Certificate and Pass ARRT National Registry Examination. Note(s):
1 Pass MATH 091 with a “C” or better or appropriate score on placement test. 2 Prerequisite: Satisfactory score on college placement exam or completion of preparatory course. * Completing a hospital-based certificate program that is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiology Technology (JRCERT) and completing 15 credits of college level general studies courses that support the role of the professional radiographer allows the individual to sit for the written American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) National Registry Examination. Once a student has earned a certificate in radiologic technology and passed the registry examination, documentation in the form of an official transcript and copy of radiologic technologist registration must be provided to the Registration Office before credits will be applied to the BC3 transcript and the degree awarded. |